Whisper, Whisper, Whisper
Whisper, Whisper, Whisper

Chinese whispers, I think it's called, where a message is passed from one person to another, can become distorted and end up being very funny.
This is happening when the young Alpaca decides to whisper a message to his friend, who passes it on to another friend, and at the end of the chain they can have a good giggle.
These cute animals are always appealing; the amazing colours and great hair 'do's' give them the 'aahh' factor.
They were being shown at an agricultural show and were definitely the main attraction for me,hence the painting!

Acrylic Painting on 3D Canvas, Size 20x20 Inches

Price £400 + P&P

Artist Jill York

Whisper, Whisper, Whisper

Chinese whispers, I think it's called, where a message is passed from one person to another, can become distorted and end up being very funny.
This is happening when the young Alpaca decides to whisper a message to his friend, who passes it on to another friend, and at the end of the chain they can have a good giggle.
These cute animals are always appealing; the amazing colours and great hair 'do's' give them the 'aahh' factor.
They were being shown at an agricultural show and were definitely the main attraction for me,hence the painting!

Acrylic Painting on 3D Canvas, Size 20x20 Inches

Price £400 + P&P

Artist Jill York