One of my paintings in acrylic on watercolour paper. The idea came from an image I saw on my bathroom floor. It could have been one of several things - a horse, or a dog and if I looked at it for some time I'm sure I could conjure up other animals to paint.
Often when looking around, images seem to appear, they could be anywhere and on anything, but the good thing is, when they're in the house they are readily available. When I go out I often see shapes and ideas but the trick is in being able to get the idea down on paper and if I'm out for quite a while, shopping or doing something not art related, it's more difficult to get that 'feeling' on paper when I get back. Should have taken a sketch book I say to myself, but that isn't always easy when I'm laden down with groceries.
Excuses! excuses! excuses!
Artist Jill York